Risk Scenario
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Risk Scenario

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Article summary


Risk scenarios describe in detail the asset at risk, who or what can act against the asset, their intent or motivation (if applicable), the circumstances and threat actor methods associated with the threat event, and the effect on the company if/when it happens, and when or how often the event might occur. All the Risk Scenarios in SAFE are fully FAIR-compliant. SAFE offers OOTB Risk Scenarios that are built upon the FAIR methodology.

Risk Scenario generates Likelihood, Loss Magnitude, and Annualized Loss outputs. SAFE offers an Out-of-the-box (OOTB) Risk Scenario Library. This library offers a wide range of pre-defined Risk Scenarios to expedite your risk assessment process.

The Risk Scenario page in SAFE displays the summary at the top that includes Worst Performing Risk Scenarios and Best Performing Risk Scenarios. It also displays the bubble graph for the Top Risk Scenario.

It displays all the Risk Scenarios in a table. You can use the different tabs to navigate quickly to the General Risks, Known Hacks, Cryptomining, Data Exfiltration, DDoS, and more.


A three-dot options menu is availabe at the top-right of the screen and includes the following options: 

  1. Edit: Clicking the Edit option, you will be redirected to the edit risk scenario 5-step wizard. Update the risk scenario details and save the details.
  2. Duplicate: Click the Duplicate option to create a duplicate risk scenario with all the existing details.
  3. Delete: This option allows you to delete the risk scenario.

Risk Scenario Details 

You can navigate to the individual Risk Scenario detail page by clicking on a Risk Scenario from the list. 

The details page displays the following:

  • Likelihood and Annulized Loss
  • Loss Magnitude
  • Annualized Loss
  • Top Control Recommendations
  • Risk Scenario Compositions


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