Global Search
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Global Search

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Article summary

1. Introduction

Global Search allows users to quickly search for Assets and Controls using keywords in the search field. The search field is available at the top-right corner of the SAFE screens. You can directly type the keywords for an asset or control and search them.

Search Updates

2. Search Assets and Controls

Follow the below procedure to search assets and controls

  1. Enter the keyword related to the asset or control to start the search. Refer to the supported search syntax
  2. The system starts displaying the matching assets and controls. 
  3. Click the matching asset or control to navigate directly to the details page. 
  4. You can click the More option to see all the search result.

Global Search New

3. Export Search Result

Users can export the search results in CSV format. 

To export:

  1. Search an asset or control with keywords. 
  2. Click the More options available on the search suggestions pop-up. 
  3. On the search result page, click the export button. 
  4. The search resultsCSV will be downloaded to your system.

Search Export

4. Supported Search Syntax

Search with multiple wordsWord 1 space Word 2
Example: aws ebs
Search will return results containing either of the words (OR)
Search with AND operatorWord 1 + Word 2
Example: aws + ebs
Search will return results containing both words (AND)
Search with NOT operatorWord 1 - Word 2
Example: aws - ebs
Search will exclude the results containing the word after -
Search with wildcardWord 1* Word 2
Example: aws* ebs
Search will include results matching the wildcard. Wildcard can only be used at the end of a word.
Exact match"Complete Search Words"
Example: "Audit: Force audit policy"
Search will return results containing the exact phrase inside the quotes.
  • A combination of AND and OR operators is supported in SAFE.
    Example: aws + ebs - buckets
  • Wildcard can only be used at the end. 
  • When the search text contains + or - then the entire word should be wrapped in quotes.
    Example: “c++” would search for the prog language by just specifying c++ would not. This also needs to be made intuitive to the user while they are using the free text.
  • Some of the operators such as < (Ranking) are supported in REST API but not in the SAFE UI.
Known Issues
  • Using operator - in a word is not currently supported with a wildcard.
    Example: DEL-*
  • Using operator + in a word right before the wildcard  * (test+*) is also not supported. However, it can be used after a letter (i.e., test+b* is supported).

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