Peer Insights
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Peer Insights

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Article summary

Overview of SAFE Peer Insights

At SAFE, transparency is paramount in our approach to data collection and usage. A recurring query from our customers revolves around benchmarking their performance against industry standards. To facilitate this, SAFE meticulously anonymizes collected data and channels it into Peer Insights. Leveraging this anonymized dataset, Peer Insights furnishes benchmark statistics pertaining to prevalent risk scenarios, categorized by industry or geography. This empowers our customers to assess their risk posture vis-à-vis this anonymized benchmark data, without concerns of data attribution

Who gets access to Peer Insights?

Only subscribers to SafeOne Enterprise & Enterprise Plus subscription plans who have also opted-in to contribute their anonymized signals can leverage Peer Insights.

What decisions will Peer Insights support?

Peer Insights will help you understand how your risk posture compares to other similar organizations. The following Peer Insight features are planned:

  • Peer Insight Comparison: You will be able to compare the likelihood and loss values for key risk scenarios across your peer micro and macro industries.

  • Risk Scenario Peer Insights: You will be able to access peer benchmarks of individual risk scenario to compare and prioritize risks

  • Control Peer Insights: You will be able to see how many of your peers have a control implemented, to further assist in decision making around remediations.

SAFE believes that having access to this sort of anonymized benchmark data will enable customers to elevate their understanding of their risk posture and make more informed business decisions.

How do I activate Peer Insights?

Peer insights is currently in development, targeted for a Q4 calendar release. Peer Insights will be automatically enabled for all entitled subscription plans who are contributing to anonymized, normalized peer benchmark data sharing.

What if I no longer want to participate?

For customers who have reservations regarding data collection and usage, Peer Insights offers the option to disable data collection. Should customers wish to exercise this option, they can reach out to their dedicated SAFE Customer Success representative to address any concerns regarding SAFE's data practices. Following this discussion, if the customer decides to disable Peer Insights, their preference will be promptly honored. It's important to note that customers opting out of participating in Peer Insights' data collection will forfeit access to the platform's benchmarking features for comparing against their own peers.

Once disabled, re-enabling Peer Insights' data collection requires a written request from the customer to their assigned SAFE Customer Success representative.

How do I get Support if Peer Insights stops working?

Customers can contact SAFE for support using our Service Desk for any issues with Peer Insights.

How do we handle & process data collected?

All data we collect is held in accordance with our Privacy policy which can be found at

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