SMTP Configuration
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SMTP Configuration

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Article summary


SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow the software to transmit electronic mail over the internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

Configure SMTP

To set up the SMTP configuration:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings.
  2. Click the SMTP Configuration.
  3. Enter the SMTP Host, User Name, Password, SMTP Port, Protocol, From Name, and From Email address.
  4. Click the Send Test Email button to validate the configuration.
  5. Click the Save Configuration.


For SMTP configuration, we let users configure "User Name" to be used for authentication and "From E-mail," which is used to configure the email ID to be used when the email is sent.

While this works well with some SMTPs like AWS SES, we have noticed a common issue in certain SMTPs like Gmail, which might not consume these fields as intended:

  • Email might come from the authenticated user email address instead.
  • And, From E-mail in the Reply-To field of the SMTP.

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