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Article summary


SAFE’s reporting module allows you to generate and schedule reports for the overall organization, technology, assets, asset groups, compliance, third parties, and many more.

Report Levels

  1. Overall Report: From this tab, users can generate the Overall Organization, People Assessment, and Technology (Inside-out) assessment report.
  2. Technology Report: This report gives you the maturity score for the selected vertical and the distribution of assets and applicable controls in that vertical. Users can generate a report for each of the verticals from this screen.
  3. Asset Report: This report gives you the SAFE score for the selected asset and the applicable controls and their assessment status for that particular asset. Users can generate and schedule the Overall Report and VA Report for the Assets.
  4. Asset Group Report: This report gives you the maturity score for the selected asset group with the distribution of assets and applicable controls in that group.
  5. Compliance Report: This report gives you information on the organization's compliance status concerning the selected compliance standard.
  6. Third-party Report: This tab allows you to generate the external security assessment reports for the onboarded third-party vendors on SAFE.
  7. Miscellaneous Reports: This tab allows you the generate and schedule a report of the Not Assessed Assets.

Reports in SAFE

Scheduled Reports

This tab displays all the scheduled reports for a user. Admins can view all the scheduled reports in their organization. Users can delete the schedule reports by clicking on the cross (X) icon.

Scheduled reports(1)


This tab displays all the previously generated reports with their details. Users can download the historical reports by clicking on the download icon available against each report.

Historic Report(5)

Generate Reports

Users can generate reports from the Reporting Engine module for any of the report types. Follow the below steps to generate a report:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Report types (Overall report, Asset report, or Asset Group report)
  2. Click the Generate button.
  3. Enter the password for pdf.
  4. Click the Generate button. The pdf report will be downloaded to your computer.
  5. Use the same password which has been set at the time of report generation to open the report.

Generate Reports

Schedule Reports

Users can schedule the report generation based on Date, Time, and Frequency. An email will be triggered to the user with the report link. Users can download the report by clicking on the link in the email.

Users can download the report from the email link only on a SAFE network.

To schedule a report:

  1. Click the Schedule button for that report.
  2. Enter the field values for Date, Time, Frequency, and Password.
  3. Click Schedule.

Schedule Reports(1)

  1. Users can select the time only in Hrs to schedule the reports.
  2. Use the same password which has been set at the time of report scheduling to open the report.

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