Custom Fields
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Custom Fields

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Custom Fields are the additional metadata required for prompt identification, reporting, and analytics. SAFE allows you to add Custom Fields for People, Technology, and Third-parties. The Custom Field page available under Settings displays all the added Custom Fields in SAFE.

custom field

Create a Custom Field

Follow the below step-by-step procedure to create a Custom Field:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > Settings > Custom Fields.
  2. Click the Add Custom Field button.
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  3. On the Add Custom Field pop-up, Enter the Custom Field Name.
  4. Select the Custom Field Type from the drop-down. The drop-down provides two options to select; Any and Predefined.
    1. Any: Select Any if you want to create a custom field that can have any text as the field value.
    2. Predefined: Select Predefined if you want to create a custom field with predefined texts that can be selected as a field value.
  5. If you selected the Custom Field Type as Predefined, an additional Custom Field Option field would appear on the screen. Enter the multiple options in new lines or separate them with a comma.
  6. If required, enter the default value for the Custom field.
  7. Mark the checkboxes to apply the Custom Field for People, Technology, or/and Third-party.
  8. Enable the mandatory toggle to make the Custom Field mandatory.
  9. Click the Add button. The Custom Field will be created and available for use.
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Edit Custom Field

To edit a Custom Field:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > Settings > Custom Field.
  2. Click the Edit icon available under the Manage column of the Custom Field list.
  3. On the Edit Custom Field pop-up, update the details as per your requirement.
  4. Click the Update button. The Custom Field will be updated.
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Delete Custom Field

To delete a Custom Field:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings >Custom Filed.
  2. Click the Delete icon available under the Manage column of the Custom Field list.
  3. On the confirmation screen, read usage of the Custom Fields.
  4. If you are sure to delete, click the Delete button.

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