Manage Assets
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Manage Assets

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Article summary


This page allows users to view and manage the assets under each of the technology verticals. Users can add, edit, and delete assets from this page.

View Assets

  • Users can navigate to assets by clicking on the View Asset button available for technology verticals.
  • Click the View All Assets button to display the list of all the assets.

View Assets

Add Assets

On clicking the Add Asset button for a technology vertical, a new asset can be added to the selected vertical. Follow the below steps to add an asset:

  1. Navigate to Manage Assets.
  2. Click the AddAssets button available for the technology vertical.
  3. Enter the values for the applicable fields available on Add Asset page. Refer to the below table for details on the fields. Refer to Asset Fields Details.
  4. Click Submit.

Add Assets

Asset Fields Details

  • Asset Type: Click on the dropdown menu to find the OS version of your asset. This is a mandatory field, and can’t be changed once saving the asset details.
    Can’t find the OS? Refer to the SAFE Support Matrix to know the supported OS by SAFE.
  • Asset Name: Enter the asset name of your asset in this field. This is a mandatory field and must be unique for the asset type selected throughout SAFE, i.e., no two assets of the same asset type can have the same Asset Name.
  • IP Address OR Hostname: Enter the IP address (or Hostname) of the asset. This field should be unique for the assets in a particular asset type. Enter only the IP Address or Hostname at one time. Both cannot be entered at the same time.
  • Username: Enter the Username of the read-only user present in the asset. This field is optional only when any PIM/PAM solution is configured in SAFE. If no PIM/PAM solution is available, this field is a mandatory requirement for assessments.
  • Password: Enter the Password of the read-only user present in the asset.
    This field is optional only when:
    • A PIM/PAM solution is configured in SAFE.
    • Or SSH is done to the asset through Key-based authentication.
      If the above conditions are not present, this field is a mandatory requirement for assessments.
  • Port: Enter the SSH port of the asset. Example: For agentless assets, the default SSH port is 22. This is a mandatory field if your asset’s SSH port is anything else apart from 22.
  • SSH Key: Provide the SSH Key of the asset if the asset uses Key-Based authentication for SSH. As mentioned above, this is a mandatory field only when your asset uses Key-based authentication for SSH. If your asset uses Username-Password-based authentication, this is not a mandatory field.
    Please note that only a PEM Key is supported. If you use any other key, such as PPK, convert it to PEM Key format.
    When pasting the PEM Key, delete the header and footer lines:
  • SSH Password: Provide the SSH Password for the SSH Key. This is mandatory only if your SSH Key requires an SSH password for authentication. If your asset doesn’t use the Key-based authentication method, this field is to be skipped.
  • Asset Criticality: Choose the criticality of the asset in your organization from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
  • Confidentiality Requirement: Choose the confidentiality requirement of the asset from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
  • Integrity Requirement: Choose the integrity requirement of your asset from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
  • Availability Requirement: Choose the availability requirement of your asset from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
  • Asset Location: Choose the location where your asset is present from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
    If your required location is not present on the list, add the location in SAFE. Refer to the Location Management.
  • Asset Owner: Choose the asset’s owner from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
    If your required asset owner is not present on the list, add the user in SAFE. Refer to User Management
  • Asset Department: Choose the department of the asset from the dropdown menu. This is a mandatory field. If you don’t have this detail, you can leave it with the default value. This field can be updated later.
    If your required department is not present on the list, add the department SAFE. Refer to Company Management.
  • Site Coordinator: Choose the site coordinator through which the connectivity of the asset can be established for assessments. If your asset is publicly accessible, the ‘Default’ site coordinator is sufficient. If your asset is not publicly accessible, any other site coordinator in the dropdown menu can be chosen apart from ‘Default.’ Please make sure that the asset has connectivity established with the chosen site coordinator.
  • CMDB ID: Enter the CMDB ID of the asset. This field is not mandatory when the asset is authenticated by Username and Password. This field is mandatory when the asset is authenticated by a PIM/PAM solution.

Upload Assets

SAFE allows you to upload assets in bulk via CSV upload functionality. Follow the below steps to upload assets in bulk:

  1. Navigate to Manage Assets.
  2. Click Add Assets for a vertical.
  3. Click the Upload button available at the bottom of the screen.
    Upload Asset
  4. Click the Download Template button to download the CSV template file on your system.
  5. Fill in the assets details in the CSV template file and save it.
  6. Browse and upload the CSV file in SAFE by clicking the "Click to open the file browser" button.

Asset Upload Limitiations

  • While uploading assets in bulk via CSV, the system allows a maximum of 2000 assets per upload file.
  • The asset upload CSV file now only allows a maximum of 30 custom fields. If you have more than 30 customer fields, the downloaded template includes only the first 30 custom fields arranged alphabetically. However, the system allows you to replace the unused custom fields from the first 30 with the custom fields you want to use.
  • Uploading assets in bulk may result in a substantial drop in the SAFE score until the assets are assessed and controls remediated.

Retire Asset

This functionality allows users to retire assets first and then delete them permanently. The retired asset will be displayed as Inactive in the asset list. Click on the Power icon to retire the assets.

Retire Asset

Delete Assets Permanently

Users can delete the retired/inactive assets permanently by clicking on the Delete icon.

  • To permanently delete an asset, it needs to be retired first
  • Permanently deleted assets cannot be recovered.

Delete Asset

Bulk Edit/Retire

Users can bulk edit or bulk retire the assets by selecting the checkboxes on the left and selecting the bulk edit button or bulk retire available at the bottom-right of the screen.
Bulk Asset Reire Edit

Download Agents

To download the agents:

  1. Navigate to Manage Assets
  2. Click the Download Agent button
  3. Choose the appropriate tab (Windows/Mac) to view the list of downloadable agents.
  4. The system displays a list of all the downloadable agents with their download links.
  5. Click the Download Links.
  6. The agent will be downloaded to your system.

Download Agent


The downloaded zip file for Windows agents includes a .bat file and a Windows agent MSI. The .bat file contains the pre-populated base URL of the SAFE server for that instance.

Other Assets

All the newly discovered assets (discovered by Qualys, Tenable, etc. ) will be available under the Others assets on the Manage Asset Page. Each asset in the Others needs to be edited to set the appropriate vertical. After selecting the appropriate vertical user can fill in the other required fields for the asset and confirm the asset. This moves the asset to the appropriate vertical.
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Confirm Assets

To confirm the newly discovered assets:

  1. Navigate to Manage Assets > Unconfirmed Assets
  2. Click the View Assets button
  3. Now, click the Edit icon available in the Manage column for the newly added assets.
  4. Assign the appropriate Vertical and edit the other details if necessary.
  5. Click the Confirm button available at the bottom of the screen. The Asset will be moved to the assigned Vertical.
    Confirm Assets

For Windows asset types, the unconfirmed assets do not need to be confirmed. These assets should be verified as the windows SAFE agent will be installed on them.

Confirm Assets in bulk

To confirm assets in bulk:

  1. Go to Manage Assets > Unconfirmed Assets.
  2. Select the Assets from the list by marking the checkboxes available against them.
  3. Click the Confirm Assets button available at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select the appropriate vertical and Asset Type (Applicability) from the drop-down on the pop-up screen.
  5. Enter the Port and Region.
  6. Click the Submit button.

Confirm Asset in Bulk

Delete Unconfirmed Assets

To delete unconfirmed assets:

  1. Go to Manage Assets > Unconfirmed Assets.
  2. Select the Assets from the list by marking the checkboxes available against them.
  3. Click the Delete Assets button available at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click the Delete button on the confirmation pop-up screen.

Delete UnConfirmed Assets

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