SAFE Product and Quantification Updates
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SAFE Product and Quantification Updates

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Article summary

1. Findings Prioritization

  • Introducing a new risk-based approach to prioritize security findings.

  • All security findings are linked to one or more FAIR-CAM Controls.

  • Control maturity is dynamically calculated based on these security findings.

  • This updates Likelihood and Loss Magnitude of Risk Scenarios.

2. Threat Center - Live

  • Introducing external Threat Feeds.

  • Threat Feeds now contribute to Threat Event Frequency.

  • This dynamically updates Likelihood of Risk Scenarios.

3. Initial Attack Method - Any

  • The scoping of Risk Scenario includes the Initial Attack Method (IAM).

  • IAM-Any has now been enhanced to aggregate all individual IAMs with respective Attack Surfaces.

  • This improves the accuracy of Likelihood of IAM-Any based Risk Scenarios.

4. FAIR CAM Control and Maturity Updates

  • Several updates have been made to FAIR-CAM Control mappings.

  • Control maturities have been adjusted, and the overall maturities for M1, M2, and M3 have been recalibrated.

  • These new mappings will update the Control Maturity %.

  • This improves the accuracy of Likelihood and Loss Magnitude.

5. FAIR-MAM Updates

  • The algorithm for calculating loss magnitude for certain loss drivers with a Likelihood aspect has been improved.

  • Previously, events with a Likelihood below 50% underestimated Loss Magnitude.

  • This improves the accuracy of Loss Magnitude.


For more details, watch the Webinar covering these changes.

Note: For questions or concerns, contact your Customer Success Partners.

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